
"A highly important and enjoyable book... It is by far the best history of the English language, excitingly and amusingly told... It is based on extensive research, and references a vast number of impressive sources, proving in equal measure history and usage guidebook... Also a splendid example of how to write informatively and wittily on a subject that should be of interest to everyone involved with the English language ... and indispensable to anyone professionally engaged with it."

John Simon

"The range of his knowledge and curiosity is remarkable... Every paragraph contains a fascinating detail about the English language... I recommend that you rush out to immediately buy it, or to buy it immediately, whichever you prefer."

Craig Brown, Mail on Sunday

"Richly detailed and often delightfully combative."

Andrew Holgate, Sunday Times

"Crisply written, amusing, informative and thought-provoking. Anyone interested in the English language and its history should read it."

Charles Moore, Daily Telegraph

"Hitchings's trenchant prose is irresistible."

John McIntyre, Baltimore Sun

"A fascinating, wholly readable, and gratifyingly informative book."

Jonathon Green, Financial Times

"Hitchings has prepared a turducken of language-history entrées. Consuming one layer, we discover another, and another. And we feast."

Daniel Dyer, Cleveland Plain Dealer

"Extraordinary... Chock-full of historical and literary references, The Language Wars is a fascinating, eye-opening look at the evolution of the English language."

Fern Siegel, Huffington Post

"Paradoxically, Hitchings' history of complaints leaves me straining for anything to complain about: this book is a must-read for word nerds."

Mark Peters, Visual Thesaurus